Unconscious Core beliefs – The need to be perfect
Our unconscious core beliefs are developed in childhood and carry over to adulthood. Sometimes our unconscious mind plays a big part in the way we act as adults from beliefs we started as children. Negative core beliefs can be developed from the actions of even the...

Eliminating addictions with hypnotherapy – What drives addictions?
Our lives are affected by our past experiences, when your unconscious self believes it is in danger, it develops patterns of behaviour to protect ourselves. This drive to suppress difficult feelings can result in compulsions as a way of distracting ourselves or...

Finding the power within – Brain training
Brain Training with Hypnosis - Finding the power within We are shaped by our past experience and this influences or unconscious core beliefs, sometimes these beliefs can limit us and we can reinforce these beliefs with negative self talk. Hypnotherapy can help to...

Hypnosis and mindset – The Power of belief
Hypnosis is powerful to change self limiting beliefs. To be successful in business and life you need a positive mindset. Hypnotherapy empowers people to truly believe in themselves and eradicate limiting self beliefs. TRANSCRIPT: That you are not successful in your...

My Journey – From Nursing to Hypnotherapy
Practice nursing provides opportunities to get to know people and have an impact in their lives. I undertook counselling to develop my understanding about the connection between physical and emotional health as many people complained of more symptoms, such as pain and...

What is The Richards Trauma Process™ (TRTP)?
The Richards Trauma Process™ (TRTP) is highly effective, unique approach and achieves results in 3-4 sessions. This is an incredibly fast, effective, and safe way to short-circuit trauma that is being stored in your body and subconscious mind. By going through...

Using Hypnosis for Improved Sleep – Case Study (Bob)
Bob came to see me to improve his sleep pattern which he knew was affecting his health and energy. He had seen his GP and had tried to follow the advice. However, despite understanding the changes he knew he needed to take he was unable to break his long-term habits...

Hypnotherapy Explained – Just like in the movies!
When I tell people, I provide hypnotherapy services they often say they couldn’t let anybody hypnotise them as they wouldn’t want to be under anybody else’s control. The truth is that nobody can make you do anything you don’t want to. How powerful would I be if I...