Emotional and Mental Health

Services available face to face in Blackwood or online anywhere in the world

It’s no secret that our minds are complex little buggers!

There’s the conscious mind that sits in the driver’s seat and directs all our thoughts and actions. And then there’s the unconscious mind who lurks quietly in the background.

It doesn’t say much, but it’s the engine that’s actually driving the car. The conscious mind THINK’S it’s the driver, but really, it’s the unconscious mind that’s giving all the directions.

That unconscious mind has a memory like a steel trap. When things happen to us throughout our lives, those memories get locked up tight in our unconscious mind. Everything from major traumatic life events, right through to seemingly harmless comments thrown about in the school yard. All those bits of information get stored in the unconscious mind and start to shape our beliefs.

Now, the whole goal of the unconscious mind is to keep you safe. So it uses all that information it’s received over the years to decide what’s NOT safe about the world. It becomes the over- protective helicopter parent saying “don’t touch that, you’ll hurt yourself, that’s scary, don’t doooo iiiiiiit”.

The unconscious mind is working in overdrive in the background, but what YOU see, is how that tension and angst actually shows up in your body.

It can show up in many ways—pulling away from social activities, feeling stuck in your work or personal goals, or sensing that something just isn’t right but not knowing why. You might find yourself constantly overthinking, feeling exhausted no matter how much rest you get, or struggling to enjoy the things that once made you happy. Over time, this unresolved stress can take a toll on your body, leading to persistent fatigue, unexplained aches and pains, digestive discomfort, and other physical symptoms that seem to have no clear cause.

And if we’re just treating those surface-level symptoms, that bandaid will only mask the problem; not fix it. In order to fix the problem, we need to look beneath the surface to find out what’s really going on. And that’s what hypnotherapy can do for you.

I knew this was going to be a journey to take…

When I saw first saw carol I was in a really dark place and I was a person that I cannot even recognise anymore. Coming from childhood trauma, anxiety and depression I knew this was going to be a journey to take.

Carol provided a safe place, comforting nature and nothing but support throughout our sessions. Carol gave me the tools but I put in the work to become the person I am today.

I have gone down the paths of psychologist but with Carol I was able to tap into another area in my brain I have never touched before that I locked away all my pain.

Together we cried, laughed but allowed me to grow into the person I am meant to be, free from pain, sadness and guilt.

I couldn’t recommend Carol more I called her a wizard multiple times. Sometimes it’s a good thing to step out of your comfort zone and try a new avenue of help.

Thank you Carol endless love towards you.

I felt alive, and more sure of myself…

When I met Carol, my life was paralyzed, my family were distant and stressed. None of us knew what to do. Depression, and fear kept me in bed most days. I spent several years after the military battling addiction, and wishing the psychological turmoil would end.

TRTP was a complete unknown but I was so desperate, I would have tried anything.

Carol Buchanan explained the process and put me at ease with her bubbly, no-nonsense personality. She was kind, and understanding. After a few sessions I felt the fog lifting, and my thoughts became clearer, more linear.

By the end of my time with Carol, I felt alive, and more sure of myself. I reconnected with my spouse and my children.

I now run my own business, own my house and live a happy so I’ll life free from the shackles of trauma and addiction.

I thank God for bringing me to Carol and TRTP, and for the miraculous healing I experienced”

I thank you from the bottom of my heart Carol.

In just a few sessions, we’ll discover the beliefs that might be impacting both your physical and mental wellbeing. And we’ll instil NEW beliefs that will actually support you in becoming the person you want to be.

Using powerful, effective, and fast approaches, we can short circuit the memories that are stored in your unconscious mind, and remove the emotional charge from those events.

When we cut those wires, many of the symptoms of emotional distress simply evaporate.

But we don’t just break that connection.

We’ll create NEW connections and beliefs that will support you in creating the future you want.




Say goodbye to anxiety, depression, overwhelm, addiction and the physical symptoms that go along with them.


Drift off to sleep peacefully without the buzzing of 1000 stressful thoughts racing through your mind each night


Cope with the everyday stresses and challenges that life throws up without feeling like the smallest thing will set you off.


Feel optimistic about your future instead of imagining everything that could possibly go wrong


Feel like you’re in the driver’s seat and taking positive steps to create the kind of life YOU want instead of just feeling like you’re a passenger on the rollercoaster of your circumstances


Experience those feelings in just 3-4 sessions instead of months and months of intensive therapy

Free 20 minute Clarity Call

I'm ready for a breakthrough, I'd like a free 20 minute clarity call.