When I tell people, I provide hypnotherapy services they often say they couldn’t let anybody hypnotise them as they wouldn’t want to be under anybody else’s control. The truth is that nobody can make you do anything you don’t want to. How powerful would I be if I could do that! What fun it would be to watch my kids doing all the housework as soon as I asked and my husband would stop watching sport and go shopping with me instead! Fortunately, the only person that has control of ourselves is ourselves!
Do you remember watching a blockbuster movie where you were so engrossed in the story, it stimulated emotions such as fear, trepidation, sadness and joy. However, although you knew that it was a famous actor playing a part it didn’t make it any less believable, you also knew that you were sat in the cinema and who was sat beside you. You were in a hypnotic trance, mesmerised by the picture playing in front of you and if the story resonated with you, you may have changed something in your life because of watching the film.
Hypnosis is just like being engrossed in the film which can be described as a state of focussed attention. In a hypnotherapy session, the therapist will talk in a way that your unconscious mind can conjure up images that are helpful to you, so you can make positive changes that you want to make easily and naturally.
We forget just how powerful our minds are. The more you practice something the better you become at that task, for instance learning how to play a musical instrument. However, we can also practice thinking in unhelpful ways such as worrying or catastrophising and reinforcing unhealthy habits. Which explains why changing thinking patterns and other behaviours are difficult to change, as the more you think or practice a habit the more you strengthen that behaviour. Think of your mind as a messy room, through hypnosis, you are simply removing all the clutter that is causing trouble in your life, and reorganizing your mind to be more productive and creative.
Hypnotherapy can increase motivation, relieve pain both emotional and physical, make changes to the automatic habits you have with issues such as sleep, smoking, phobias or any area that you truly believe that you want to make a change. If there are underlying reasons for your behaviour such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder or depression then this needs to be addressed and hypnotherapy is a very safe way of addressing the root cause of the matter. It’s always better to treat the cause and not the symptom of the distress.
Hypnotherapy can’t make changes to anything that you have been told you should change but don’t really want to, like I said before, nobody can make you do anything you don’t want to, in or out of hypnotherapy.
For hypnotherapy or any type of personal therapy to be successful it’s important to build a positive relationship with your therapist; to feel comfortable with the therapist so they can provide a story that you resonate with, just like watching your favourite movie.