Do you no longer find comfort or pleasure in things you once enjoyed in life? Does the world feel like a dark, sinister place? Do you feel there’s nothing worth living for and your loved ones would be better off without you? Do you hide behind a mask pretending to be okay, but the reality is you can barely function?

While we all feel sad, moody, or low from time to time, which is completely normal, some people experience these feelings intensely and often for long periods, weeks, months, or even years. And sometimes without any apparent reason.

If any of this sounds familiar and you’ve been feeling this way for a while, you may be experiencing depression.

Depression is more than just feeling low; it’s a serious condition that affects both your physical and mental health.

But how do you know if you’re suffering from depression or just experiencing one of life’s normal lows?

Well, to help give you a better understanding, there’s many behavioural, emotional, and physical symptoms you may be experiencing, which could be a good indication that you’re suffering from depression.

But, it’s important to remember that we all experience some of these symptoms from time to time, so it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re depressed. On the other hand, not everyone who is experiencing depression will have all of these symptoms.

Physical Symptoms

  • You feel tired all the time, have no energy, and constantly feel lethargic.
  • You always feel sick and run down.
  • You experience headaches and muscle pain.
  • You have trouble sleeping.
  • You experience a loss or a change in your appetite.
  • You experience significant weight loss or weight gain.
  • Your gut churns constantly.

Behavioural Changes

  • You don’t go out socially and only leave your house when you have to.
  • You struggle to complete tasks either at school or at work.
  • You can’t concentrate for very long, if at all.
  • You withdraw from your close family and/or friends.
  • You no longer participate in activities you once found enjoyable.
  • You rely on alcohol, medication, and/or sedatives to get through the day.

Thoughts You May Be Having

  • “I’m worthless.”
  • “Nothing good ever happens to me.”
  • “Everything bad in my life is all my fault.”
  • “The world would be better off without me.”
  • “I’m a failure.”
  • “Life’s not worth living.”

While everyone’s experience with depression is different, one common feeling is being numb. Even though you might not remember what happiness or love feels like, being numb and pushing feelings down means you can’t feel pain either.

Another common feeling is to feel completely overwhelmed by life, so even simple day-to-day tasks such as showering, brushing your teeth, or combing your hair are all too hard.

What causes depression?

Many different reasons can cause depression. It usually results from a combination of recent events and other long-term or personal issues that may not have been resolved, rather than just one immediate event or issue.

Continuing difficulties such as long-term unemployment, living in an abusive or uncaring relationship, long-term isolation, prolonged work or life stress, or loneliness are more likely to cause depression than recent life stresses.

But, recent events, such as losing your job or a combination of events can “trigger” depression if you’re already at risk because of past experiences or other personal factors.

Past life experiences

More often than not, depression relates to past life experiences. So, if you’ve suffered major trauma in your life that’s never been resolved and dealt with, these are high-contributing factors that can cause depression. Issues such as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, being in a situation where your financial or personal security was at risk, or the death of a loved one.

Family history

Although depression can run in families, having a parent or close relative who has experienced depression doesn’t automatically mean you’ll have the same experience. Your life circumstances and other personal factors still have a huge influence over whether or not you’ll experience depression.

Serious medical illness

The stress and worry of coping and dealing with a serious medical illness can, in some cases, “trigger” depression, particularly if you’re dealing with long-term management of your illness and/or chronic pain.

But remember …

Everyone is different, and it can be a combination of factors that can contribute to you experiencing depression. What’s important is that you remember that while you may not initially be able to identify the cause of your depression, recognising the signs and symptoms and seeking support is vital.

Because …

You can overcome depression and start living the life you want and deserve.

But it’s up to you.

Close your eyes and imagine that you’re standing at a crossroad. In one direction is the life you’re currently experiencing. The overwhelming sadness, the pain, the guilt, the crushing feeling of believing your loved ones would be better off without you.

Or …

In the other direction is your future. A life full of hope, joy, and love. Now at this very moment, it may be difficult for you to imagine that future being a possibility, but trust me, it can happen if you’re willing to commit to identifying and resolving the root cause of your depression.

So, the choice is yours. Which road are you going to take?

Move on from depression and start enjoying life again.

The great news is that you don’t have to keep pushing down your feelings and hiding behind a mask, pretending that everything’s fine. Check back into life, move on, and start enjoying life again.

And remember, it’s okay not to be okay and to seek professional help if you need support to identify the reason behind your depression and deal with the root cause of the issue. Because sometimes, no matter how hard you try or how much you want to break free from depression, you might feel as if you’ll never be able to.

So don’t just cope with life … live it! You only get one go, so isn’t it time to take back control of your life and deal with the cause of your depression once and for all? Take the first step in transforming your life by having a confidential chat with me at, or give me a call on 0429 922 765, because I’d love to help you live your best life.


Are you interested in finding out how Hypnotherapy can help you?

I am a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience supporting people with long term health conditions. I am also a Clinical Hypnotherapist and TRTP practitioner (The Richards Trauma Process™).

I am experienced in helping people overcome anxiety, depression, addictions (including alcohol, nicotine, food), agoraphobia and other health related issues such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and chronic pain. 

The clinic address is Shop 13, 168 Main Rd, Blackwood, Adelaide, South Australia. I also offer online appointments with clients anywhere in the world.

I offer a free 45 minute clarity call to discuss your situation and see if we are a good match to work together. Simply click the button and submit an enquiry.